Monday, February 21, 2011

Shop Update - coming soon!

This ADORABLE dotted tulle mini veil is just one of the new pieces you can find in the shop very soon!  I hope to photograph it in a model in the next few days and then it will be posted in the shop.  This is my first exploration working with a blusher-type veil.  It can be worn in the front/side like a traditional blusher, or perched upon your updo.

I am feeling very springy, in spite of the winter storm we are experiencing.  I am also working on a headband in pastel colors (no photos yet, you'll have to check back later to see that cutie-pie).  I also have a few pairs of earrings I completed over the weekend.  Perhaps I'll photographs them this afternoon...  if the light is good.  Meanwhile, scoot over to the shop and see the cute new headbands I posted last week!

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