Thursday, May 19, 2011

In nine days something WONDERFUL is going to happen!

In nine days, something very exciting is going to happen.  I am going to park my gypsy cart and set up shop!  Wait, it gets even better...  its not just me, there are six of us (not gypsies, artists - don't be silly).  Jeff and I belong to a local artist collective called Studio Rico Oeste.  Our members have discussed the desire for a shop/space for quite some time, and the search for just the right space has brought us to this point.  Our ideas are coming together (pretty quickly, I'll say) but I think the concept is good and the location is quirky (just like us).  I would love to give you more details, but I have SO much to do!  I will update with any big news and hopefully some photos very soon! 

Stay tuned for the opportunity to meet my compadres in this endeavor!

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