Saturday, May 28, 2011

love is a gypsy caravan

I love my husband.  A lot.  He is the BEST.  I have not been feeling very well this week, perhaps the rainy weather has been contributing to my usual achiness.  I have had a headache all week.  This headache has really been slowing my productivity, during a week that I wish to be extra-productive.  So, while I have been at home all week, working away at my projects here, I have been aware that Jeff has been at the Studio working away at his projects.  I just haven't seen any of his work this week because I haven't visited the Studio.  We have talked about the gypsy cart he's building for me to use as a display at the new shop, but we decided that I would wait until this weekend to see it.  I like surprises.  Well, this morning he was off to the Studio before I woke up (as usual).  I gave him a call so we could have a chat and plan our day and while we were talking he directed me to look at some photos he took yesterday at the Studio.  Imagine my surprise when I saw THIS on my computer screen!!!!!!

"Is THAT my gypsy caravan?!?!"  I yelled to him, over the phone.  "I LOVE IT, aaahhhhh!!!"  I knew he was going to build something amazing, we even sat on the sofa together and made sketches, but COME ON!!!  This is way cooler than our drawings.  AND its not even finished yet!  Hopefully we'll start painting it this weekend.  Don't you just love that arched window on the end?  We salvaged it from a local school building that is being renovated.  The side windows will be able to open (sort of like little cabinets) and there will be space inside to hang/display jewelry and other handmade goods.  The arched window will not open, we'll just use that space for display (sort of like a storefront window).  This is the perfect solution for a display that can be used outdoors, then easily moved inside, all while protecting my handmade goods!  THANK YOU JEFF!

Well, I'm signing off.  I have much to do today.  My new miniMOO cards arrived in the mail yesterday.  So I'll be pricing my things with my lovely new 'tags'.  I'll post some photos later.

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