Friday, May 13, 2011

I've been sewing something sweet

Remember last month, when I said I was going to do some stuff?  I'm too ashamed of my bold declarations to do more than mention it here.  If you want to refresh your memory, you can read the post here.  Well, I guess I kinda forgot how busy my life gets at this time of year when I work for a flower shop!!!  Actually, I'm pretty certain it must have been denial, (not forgetfulness) because if I remembered how crazy it gets, I might not have been willing to commit my time at the flower shop.  Don't get me wrong, I really enjoy being there, but after several proms (that means a couple hundred corsages and boutonnieres) immediately followed by Mother's Day (perhaps the busiest floral holiday, except maybe Valentine's Day) I am pretty glad its over.  I have jumped into sewing and I haven't done much else.  I think its been very therapeutic.  My nieces have their birthdays this month and last, so I made these:

The blue butterfly pinafore is a pattern from the One Yard Wonders book.  I embellished it with handmade flowers and a leaf.  (By the way, I made it in size 4T and it required more than 1 yard of fabric, I'm just sayin'.)  I also made a matching hair clip (which I forgot to photograph).  Its cute, you'll just have to take my word for it.

The ruffled halter is a pattern by Liesel Gibbons for Stitch magazine.  (She's the designer behind the label Oliver and S, I just love her style!)

The dolly is a pattern I drafted myself!  I made her as a companion to this little Miss.  After all, real live sisters need sister-dollies too, don't they?

I made the cards to compliment the sewing projects.  :)

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